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Hello make it all for crypto lover wherever you are, this time I want to explain about a future crypto investment platform that is BITBOSE platform, let me see my explanation below:

BitBose is a nice and promising project. Especially if it's related to token issues. that the greatness of this project is to have its own token, known as BOSE or TokenBose. This is the utility token and base currency of the BitBose platform itself based on ERC20. System transactions are not only clean and transparent, with blockchain ethereum peer to peer can eat very minimal Projects that are born and trained for solutions. One million projects have color resolution on this earth. Everything, but nothing and no solution to a better direction than before, in this session, just about practical and tenacious economic power.

So BitBose is definitely a nice and promising project. Especially if it turns on the token issue. that the greatness of this project is its own token, known as BOSE or TokenBose. That is the utility token & currency of the BitBose Platform itself based on ERC20. Transaction sessions that do not need to be transparent and transparent, with blockchain ethereum peer to peer can eat very little.

The mission of BitBose Platform is to create a decentralized integrated banking solution that will not only use the normal banking structure but will also offer investment opportunities based on blockchain technology.

Bose Token is the motto of the ERC20 based BitBose platform using blockchain ethereum, which means the fastest and most transparent transactions with very low commissions. -Investment Banking Solutions This platform offers unique investment banking solutions, such as Portfolio Funds, Crypto Loans, Mining Rewards Program.

Smart hybrid trading solutions for trading and payment.

Our unique investment solutions are designed to maintain adequate liquidity by exchanging multiple encryption and cryptocurrencies, which, initially, lead to modern intellectual trade and modern payment solutions.

How does this System work?

Crypto / Fiat Finance

The proof of heart of BitBose's Crypto Loans program can help in crypto/fiat by depositing into their crypto on the BitBose platform.

Easy Loan & Lending Application, Instant Approval & No Credit Check. Earn Cash directly credited to your bank account.

Competitive Interest Rate without any upfront costs. Maintain your reputation & enjoy financial freedom. Furthermore, there is no capital block because you can withdraw your assets at any time.

Hasil gambar untuk BitBose bounty

The BitBose ICO intends to raise funds to build a platform that allows decentralized operations of core banking features. The BitBose platform will allow users to:

  • Deposit / Park Funds
  • Take Loans denominated in Fiat / Cryptocurrencies
  • Buy / Sell cryptocurrencies on the BitBose Exchange
  • Trade Smart with algorithmic trading

All activities of the BitBose platform will be denominated in ERC20 BOSE tokens which will be a utility token and the central unit of exchange on the platform. Prospective users can buy the BOSE tokens in exchange for BTC / ETH / FIAT during ICO event or on crypto exchanges after the ICO event.

The BitBose platform has been divided into three key heads for according to the core functionality while the backend remains tightly integrated with one another for processing time and a seamless user experience.

The components of the BitBose platform are:

  • BitBose Bank - for depositing funds and taking loans
  • BitBose Exchange - for the simplest trading experience
  • BitBose Smart Portfolio - for access to algorithmic trading by a bot that improves trading acumen by machine learning.

BitBose is an entity registered in the UK and adheres to its laws and regulations.

Token Name ----------- BOSE
Website -----------------
Type of Offer ---------- Token Sale
Total Tokens ----------- 300,000,000
Accepted Currencies - BTC, ETH, FIAT
ERC20 token --------- YES
Soft Cap ---------------- $ 5 Million

Hard Cap --------------- $ 45 Million


BitBose Team Wallet will store your Token BOSE in a safe and secure manner. Download now and feel the full power of the BitBose platform.


Total Tokens: 300,000,000
Partition Number of BOSETokens
Public Sale 210,000,000
Founders 48,000,000
Bounties 6,000,000
Advisor / Marketing 36,000,000

Hasil gambar untuk BITBOSE bounty

Website -
Whitepaper -

BTT: https: // Action = profile; u = 1785646
ETH: 0x62b0f6A288263DaFCD6F8831d06fa3586daBb0ab


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