Excalibur OS ICO

A computer virus is a computer program that enters a system to do something, for example interrupting a process that is running on the CPU, slowing down computer performance, filling up computer memory so that CPU activity stops, fills the hard disk, deletes files, damages the operating system, etc.
Computer viruses are also the result of the work of a programmer who has evil intentions or just to satisfy the lust of his programming that manages to infiltrate a virus into someone else's computer system. Viruses infiltrate the computer system in various ways,
OS Revolution For
Computer Systems Are Not Like Before.
An Operating System Designed for PCs & Laptops, which will solve the problem of data security systems, and also solve the second major problem with users. , which means application files from Large OSes like "Android, Windows, Mac, iOS & Linux" will be supported by the Excalibur Operating System.
Why We choose ERC20 Platform?
We use ERC20 Platform as ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. By analyzing a rapid growth of Ethereum we choose ERC20 based on Ethereum Platform as our platform to launch our XOS tokens.
Ethereum uses a Merkle Patricia Tree complex data structure called a to store a tree of program states, allowing ICO to be quick and effective. Instead of only containing a transaction ledger, the Ethereum blockchain's multiple programs allow for automatic contracts to automatically calculate the number of funds raised, and distribute new tokens upon the completion of the crowdsale.
Benefits are rewards for token holders who have invested in our Business Model or Token. We will provide various types of benefits for the token holders described below
- The price of the ICO Market will increase in the near future, which will be a benefit to the token holder according to the trade point of view.
- The BETA Version Operating System will initially be launched for Token Holders in Quarter 1 of 2019
- Mining Management will be very easy by Excalibur OS.
- There is no more expensive fee for Antivirus
- Tokens can be sold internationally via the internet
- Tokens have a liquidity premium (> 1000X increase in time-to-liquidity)
- Transparency of use of funds, escrow can be used to verify how funds are spent after the ICO
- Initial contributors will have more liquidity at the initial stage
- Initial access to tokens that have fast capital growth potential
- Contributors are usually the first users of tokens - so it's not like holding a company whose products are never used, ironically our tokens can be more real than effects
XOS token will be released on the basis of Ethereum and Bitcoin platforms. It's compatibility of token with third-party wallets services, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
Start (Pre ICO)
Sep 3, 2018 (8:00 AM IST)
End (Pre ICO)
Nov 3, 2018
Number of tokens for sale
2,000,000,000 XOS
Tokens exchange rate
1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
Acceptable currencies
Minimum transaction amount
100 USD
Bonuses & Referrals
Bonuses & Referrals
PRE ICO: 200,000,000
ICO: 1,800,000,000

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