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What is a Module?
This project is a blockchain platform. This is to allow each user to provide device memory space to be rented to the people they need. This is possible with Proof of Space, Time and Transaction (PoSTT). People who can use memory on a smartphone, laptop or computer can determine the amount of memory and time available. Many users around the world hand over device memory that forms a large storage network with the help of special applications.
The module ecosystem has the following types of participants. Verifier node - clients who are interested in using storage. A user who wants to get money by borrowing a GB of backup at the node of the Farmer (Farmer). Recipient nodes - users that validate smart contracts and transactions in new blocks in the blockchain. Connection services are isolated from the blockchain and are used to connect the random selection of Verifiers and Breeders, storage of metadata, network management, Farmer storage.

How does it work?

Users download the Modules application and join the network as verification farmers. Verifier encrypts your information with the help of ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography), one of the most tolerable encryption methods. After encryption, information is divided into sections. Each part is then copied and placed in a different Farmer's storage. As such, separate encryption and tasks guarantee a high level of protection, and some copies eliminate information loss. The PoSTT protocol allows payment transactions from Verifier to Farmer, Miner is "gas"

Hasil gambar untuk module bounty

The main problems that are solved by the module are as follows.
• Large unused memory capacities of smartphones, laptops, and PCs around the world.
• Global companies and government institutions need cheap and large storage space to get information.
• Special facilities and understanding are needed to participate in mining

Other Implementations
This application will be officially launched in January 2019, but the beta will be released in December this year.
Above all, ecosystems provide tools to create and publish your own applications on the module platform. Develop a smart contract and provide a block preparation chain to those who plan a blockchain or startup business.

Module token and ICO
MODL is a network utility token. This can be stored in Ethereum wallets that support ERC20 tokens (MyEtherWallet, Mist, MetaMask, etc.).

  • Ticker name: MODL
  • standard sign: ERC-20
  • soft stamp: 5,000,000 USD
  • hard hat: $ 18,000,000 USD
  • total supply: 15,000,000,000 and MODL
  • sales for tokens: 2.25 billion US dollars
  • Previous ICO date: 18/07/2018 -31/07/2018
  • pre-ICO bonus: 7 Pasento
  • date and time: 01-08-208 ~ 30/20/1818
  • price mark: 1 MODL = $ 0.008 USD
  • controlled country: the United States and other countries where it is prohibited.
  • Payment receipt: BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash, Zcash, DLL, USD (wire transfer)


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