UBECOIN - A smarter Way To Trade

Goods and services have been moved and various information spread in cyberspace or on information sites, are said to remain in the first position, even though the scope of discussion includes discussion of goods and services that are long enough and not suitable for consumption or our knowledge is long.
Now there is a network with cryptocurrency technology, to provide a user-friendly platform for E-commerce and entertainment by providing easy access to the Ubecoin ecosystem that will facilitate entry into the modern economy.
The more traders who join the network, the greater the diversification of goods and services to be offered and the more traders who join the network, the greater the liquidity of the Ubecoin market.
UBECOIN is one of the results of the development of the blockchain industry, which has experienced good performance and good ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investment. Being one of the first platform platforms produced by companies wants to implement and help investors care more about economic weaknesses, which suffer a lot in the world in the concept of mutual cooperation as investments that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain. Some important points from the UBECOIN platform This is the time when most registered investors or potential investors who will start their business on this platform will do business.
Responding to the terms and conditions on the UBECOIN platform IS an income source that will provide balanced value for mutually beneficial ecosystems between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability of exceeding the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common by investors who want to benefit from this platform. The opportunity to contact one of the following projects is a major effort in legal and safe tobacco trading projects, and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, to start working and implement a balanced analysis system in one of your own. tactics and ideas sent by many investors. UBECOIN is a decentralized blockchain platform that aims to create investments that affect the positive side of managing funds to be invested in this platform; in other words,
The most important feature of the UBECOIN site:
- Change the appropriate personal property management and copyright management for each user
- Customers do business and business
- Compare minimum wage income - without commissions in the office
- Adjustments for financial transactions in smart transactions
- This is a personal trust that binds all users who will be responsible for paying money and income. Bulletins and business owners do not want to register financial statements and numbers.
The main advantages of the UBECOIN platform are:
1. Convenient decentralized exchange based on block technology with guaranteed data copies for each Functional user, maximum transactions are simple and profitable
2. Minimum costs are compared to other minimum payment methods - there is no commission on the system
3. Money transfers are governed by a smart contract: A trusted and integrated personal portfolio for each user where funds are stored and where payments are made. The peer-to-peer system does not require any documents or accounts for cash transactions.
Cryptoscopy is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make payments now, as well as a profitable way to invest. Along with blocking technology, it has many great features displayed by the UBECOIN system - transactions are fast and safe anytime and anywhere. Employers can quickly find free workers in the system, get high-quality services and pay them with the UBECOIN brand.
The future of the UBECOIN platform as the first generation platform, which offers solutions to investor problems that cannot be on time, and whenever changes in the encryption market that change or the usual height and lowest of cryptographic prices make this platform as a potential user they are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile device. peace, not leaving any role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that conceptualizes reciprocal benefits between traders and users, and platforms that can permanently contribute to income stability. To overcome the problems faced by most investors, UBECOIN makes decisions, offering smart solutions with platforms that help productivity and easy access to your account.

Founded in 2014
- The company was founded in 2014
Business Plan 2015
- Business
- Seed funding is obtained
- Wallet developed
- Develop a decentralized Crypto Currency payment platform (Ubecoin)
Launched in 2016
- Launch of the trading platform (FTB) as Proof of Concept
- 100+ merchants subscribe to $ 300 + GST in
- Buy & Sell inventory with limited trials using Ubecoin
- Rental office using Ubecoin 12mths
- Buy company products using Ubecoin
- Proof of concept successfully completed
Seed Financing 2017 Financing
- seeds are obtained to further develop company assets and business models
- Confirm the economic development of coins (building size)
- Go to market strategy planning
- Engaged in entering the launch partner market
Consolidation 2018
- Ubecoin Group Pty Ltd Consolidation
- Launch of the Barter Free Trade Platform (FTB)
- Launch of ICO
- Integration with all JV, Game & Entertainment partners
- Launch of Free Barter Trade to international markets
Launch 2019
- Launch the Fintech product range on all platforms
- Develop markets and products suitable for Ubecoin expansion
- Continue the expansion and growth of traders

ANN THREAD:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4737261
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