What is Quantum1Net? The RSA cryptography platform is now 40 years old. While it's served well in Internet and digital communications, its days are numbered. The rise of quantum computing is a threat for RSA and other forms of encryption. It will provide tools which will make it feasible for hackers to crack these mechanisms. Quantum computers exploit the unique properties of microscopic world, superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations much more efficiently than ordinary computers. This way, they can complete tasks in minutes or hours which would take today's best devices up to billions of years. This poses a real risk for our digital lives, as most encryption methods exploit this relative slowness of classical computers to make our data safe. At Quantum1Net we have developed a new solution for these up and coming problems. Quantum mechanics allows for the generation of intrinsically random sequences of numbers. The Quantum Encrypted Key Generation (QEKG) tech...