AdMine - the world's first social network of brands

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In modern world, the internet has a leading place in people’s life and minds.
Great opportunities provided by the online world lead each manufacturer, mediator or
product/service provider to represent their companies, introduce new applications and elaborate advertising campaigns on the Internet.
An excessive amount of media content, enclosed with the quality and format of
advertisement, do not reach its target audience in most cases. Users either watch ads that they do not need or block it altogether, which contributes to the inefficiency of advertising campaigns.
We suggest changing the current approach by creating an innovative platform based on principles of social network. The platform will enable the advertisers to become
investors, and users may choose directions of advertising that they would like to watch and earn money for views. 

Market analysis
The Internet has tightly entrenched in our lives. The development of World Wide
Web has caused all business to be developed and presented on the Internet, and more than half of the world population view the world through the prism of advertising content. Today advertising industry is one of the largest sector of the global industry. In analysts’ opinion, advertising has become one of drivers of the Internet development. The first Internet advertisement appeared in 1994, and since then the volume of the online advertising market has been growing exponentially: from 37 million dollars to 5 billion dollars in 2000, and to 158 billion dollars in 2016.

What is AdMine? Concept and participants.
AdMine is a new kind of cryptocurrency mining where it is not necessary to use computer capacity. The user gets coins for viewing ads on the Internet, evaluating product quality, providing personal data for analytical services, passing marketing quests and testing games.
Our purpose is to create a social network of brands based on the Blockchain technology. We want to attract users’ attention to advertising and increase its effectiveness by creating favorable conditions that will enable all participants to benefit from collaboration. For viewing ads, users will get cryptocurrency and will able to buy goods on the Internet, transfer them to their bank accounts/cards or convert into other cryptocurrencies.
Currently, there are no circumstances to earn money for watching ads. Every day, millions of Internet users watch ads from different gadgets while many advertising markets collect data about users and apply it to increase targeting. Thus, users do not have motivation to inform markets about any personal information, which can lead to errored ad suggestion algorithms. Our platform will unite the interests of users and advertising brands by providing users with an opportunity to watch ads, and collect additional personal details free of charge for the brands.

Tokens allocation 
5%​ public sales of Pre Sale ICO
60%​ public sales of ICO during crowdsale
10%​ users growth pool
15%​ will go to the AdMine team and will be blocked for 12 months
6%​ will go to the AdMine advisers and will be blocked for 12 months
2%​ will be sent to WINGS DAO – opening, evaluation, social promotion
2%​ Bounty program.

Bounty program
2 000 000​ tokens will be allocated for overall for Bounty program.
● Forum translation and moderation Campaign​ (Main and bounty threads) -
10% (200 000 MCN​)
translate and bitcointalk threads moderation
● Сontent translation Campaign​ - 5% (100 000 MCN​)
translation white paper
● Twitter campaign​ - 20% (400 000 MCN​)
reposts and tweets use hashtag admine
● Facebook campaign​ - 20% (400 000 MCN​)
likes and reposts
● Blogs/News about ICO​ - 20% (400 000 MCN​)
medium, reddit and other threads
● Bitcointalk signature and avatar campaign​ - 10% (200 000 MCN​)
fix the ads with reference to the ico and logos in their profiles
● Special rewards​ - 10% (200 000 MCN​)
fix brand status in society
● Bug reporting / code audit campaign​ - 5% (100 000 MCN​)
check smart contract for bugs, forks and rhinestones


White Paper:
Twiter: HTTPS: //
Instagram: HTTPS: // WWW / /
Ann Tread BTT:

author : demoltion


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